Beside purchasing directly from the factory, getting information about the updated raisin’s price and different types of this product qualified for exports is always possible for our dear customers.
Different Types of Produced Raisins in Iran
Iran has gotten a great place among ten first places in the world for producing different types of grapes and raisins.
Since long time ago, this product has been produced in really high quality for national and international markets.
Thera are more than 10 types of grapes in Iran, and each type of grapes is changed into different types of raisin. Then you can easily know how various are the raisins in Iran.
However, just 5 types of Iranian raisins are best known.
- Thin green and yellow raisins made in Kashmar (a raisin producing town)
- Nitrated raisin known as Sultana is one of best products of Takestan, Malayer and Quchan (raisin producing towns).
- Sun-dried raisins made in Takestan, Malayer and Bavanat (raisin producing towns).
- Golden raisin which is an exportable product made in Bonab, Malakan and Malayer (raisin producing towns).
- Different types of raisins which are generally produced in Takestan and Malayer, but the best one is made in Fars province.
What is the best exportable raisin in Iran?
Not very long ago, Iran was known as the third country exporting different types of raisins, but now a day, it is it the eighth place after sanctions.
We can point out to three types of fabulous exported raisins made in Iran:
- Nitrated sultana raisin
- Thin yellow and green Kashmar raisin
- Golden raisin known as yellow rice raisin (cooked with rice, for some Persian food)
Our customers can ask them packed with their own brands, trademarks and address printed on the boxes.
Things we should know foe exporting:
- Almost all of the mentioned products are found at any time of the year you want because of production of about 200000 tons a year.
- Next important factor is that the transportation is really easy as there is no need for fridge containers.
- The third positive point is the expiration date. Iranian exported raisins can be stored for about 2 years.
- Last point is that there are lots of markets for this product all over the world at any time.
Now the things you should do:
- There are at least 10 factories for producing and packing these products in Iran.
- You can connect one of these centers, like one mentioned in this web site, and get informed about the updated prices.
- Then add the expenses of consignment insurance, target’s customs duty and transit as well.
- Stop being worried about official steps in Iran. They are all done by the manufacturers.
- All mentioned prices are so, provided that you dear customers receive the products in the factory and they should be paid after being scaled.
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