Updated Price of Exported Nitrated Raisins of Malayer

Nitrated raisin is made in Malayer (a raisin producing town in Iran) is one of the best exportable products in Iran. A great amount of this amazing product is exported to some countries like Russia and Ukraine annually. You can get informed about the latest prices in this website.

Price of Exported Raisins

Nitrated Raisin as the Best Exportable Product in Iran

Among different types of raisins produced in Iran, nitrated raisin is one of the best products. So, the amount of this product is high and Ukraine and Russia are considered as main targets of exporting this product. Raisin is used in all countries without any exeptions.it shows how important it is.


Let’s point out to main producing centers of nitrated raisins in Iran.

  1. Malayer in Hamedan province
  2. Takestan in Qazvin province
  3. Quchan in Khorasan province

Basically, exported nitrated raisin should be seedless to be exported.

Exported Nitrated Raisins

Updated Prices of Malayer Nitrated Raisin

In Persian new year, not many international trades happened because of dealing with Covid-19 virus and quarantines. We have to wait for better chances and be hopeful. By the wat, let’s take a look at the prices is short.

  1. Nitrated raisins in packs of 9 kilos      7.4$
  2. Exported nitrated raisins,      0.85 $ per kilo
  3. Rice raisins (raisins cooked with rice as a special food) in packs of 9 kilos       7.4$
  4. Nitrated raisins without Sulphur in packs of 9 kilos      7 $
  5. Bonab golden raisin for exports per kilo       2$


Raisin is an exportable product and its price is different depending on the universal currency changes.

Although the prices are not much fixed these days, a firm and management can make them clear and fixed.

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